Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to Paint a Concrete Floor

Painting a concrete floor can turn a room you didn't want to step into, into a room where you want to spend hours together! When the best hardwood or the most luxurious carpet doesn't do the trick, you can create magic with concrete floor paint. Now we're going to leave you to visualize the space and the design, and tell you how to go about the actual process, which you can further enhance with your creativity.

Before You Begin
The method provided here is best suited to interior spaces that are not exposed to excessive heat. For instance, in case you have to paint your garage floor, it is better to consult an expert in the field and get the work done professionally. In these areas, the heat is excessive which may cause the paint to peel if the floor has not been prepped thoroughly.
When using any solution/paint, follow only the manufacturer's instructions. This is particularly important because some products are to be used at particular temperatures, have to be mixed before use, have to be cured for a certain amount of time, or simply applied in a particular manner.
Certain products are likely to have strong fumes, which if inhaled can be dangerous. Always follow the procedure in a well-ventilated room and wear a mask while dealing with these products.
The material required mentioned below depends on the current condition of the floor that you are going to paint. Read through the instructions before purchasing any material.
How to Paint a Concrete Floor

Material Required
Paint Stripper
Acid Etch Solution
Household Ammonia
Lacquer Thinner
Concrete Patching Compound
60-grit Sandpaper
Pole Sander
Plastic Brush
Plastic Scraper
Putty Knife

Prepping the Floor
Thorough cleaning of the floor before you begin the painting process is imperative. The floor should be free of dust and debris, moisture, and cracks before it can be beautified with a paint of your choice.

Clean the surface thoroughly; remove any traces of dust and debris. Sweep the floor to remove debris and use a vacuum cleaner for the dust.
If there are any traces of moisture in the concrete, it should not be coated and painted till the problem has been solved. Painting should be done only after the moisture is removed, along with the source of moisture being determined and eliminated. Using a dehumidifier for this purpose may help in smaller cases. In case of excessive water seepage into the floor, professional help is necessary.
If you are painting a previously painted floor, use a paint stripper and remove all the loose and flaking paint. Then sweep and vacuum the floor.
If the floor is new, use an acid etching solution to etch the floor. The etching process increases the adherence of the paint to it. To check if the floor needs etching, pour some water on the floor. If it does not get absorbed easily, it means the etching is necessary. If the floor is glossy or has glue, it may not adhere easily. You may etch even in these cases. Once the acid etching is done with, the entire surface should be thoroughly washed with water to remove any residue of the acid. If available, household ammonia can work as an excellent neutralizer of the acid along with water.
To remove any grease from the floor if the floor, use a degreaser.
If there is residual glue on the floor, pour lacquer thinner on it to soften it, till the thinner evaporates. Scrape and clean with a plastic brush thereafter.
If there are holes or cracks in the floor, clean them to get rid of gravel and dust, and fill them up using a concrete patch compound. Smooth these surfaces with a putty knife.
To smooth out uneven patches due to the filling process, sand the entire floor. Use a 60-grit sandpaper and attach it to a pole sander. Sand the floor at least twice in opposite directions to ensure that the floor is completely smooth. After each sanding procedure, ensure that all the dust and debris has been cleared out.
Do not allow the floor to get wet after this process. If it does, you must wait for a minimum of 24 hours, or until it dries completely, before you can move to the next step.

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